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Supernaturally Dolled Up (Morphic Field)

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Supernaturally Dolled Up (Morphic Field)

3 ratings

Supernaturally Dolled Up (Morphic Field)

Hey Buds, whats going on?

I have literally been across 5 continents in the past 10 days! Yea its crazy but not really honestly. There are many secret destinations that the most of the world do not know about. I will share in the future (totally undisclosed areas where 99% of population have never witnessed).

Anyway, how have you all been and wow to all the great emails I've been receiving! I should really publish all of those great testimonials but there really isn't any reason to do so. After all , I really am not trying to prove anything to anyone at this point, people who know know and I am totally fine being semi-famous - I do not want to get to big honestly. I am here to share my work with you all and help spread what I have been blessed with. Who would l be trying to impress? Know one to impress but myself and dad of course at this point!

Anyway I will be uploading some new next level fields very soon so stay tuned. Also make sure to sub to another youtube channel MORPHOGENESIS - HERE IS THE LINK: - basically a back up channel but with all new fields and super advanced! I will be still uploading on the original MEF Dynamics Youtube Channel also so don't worry.

Ok so now that you have subscribed to the new channel and are back on here, here it goes. So i decided to upload a female beauty field as many of you keep saying to post more female related content so here is a nice field for you. This is only for women btw, unless you are a man that wants to become more feminine. (Thats another story)

This field has been around for a very long time. Since the Barbie and Ken days. No I never played with Barbie and Ken - Just saying. I actually used this on several hotties that I was with in the past, they knew about it of course and wanted to improve their looks and I was such a sucker because it made me REALLY want them all the time! and I mean like ALL THE TIME! heheh Anyway, this field has been upgraded over the years and is literally a classic. In short you will literally become the dolled up version of yourself while youthifying your self and enhancing your beauty overall as this field is designed to transform your appearance as it enhances and beautifies your natural qualities while boosting your inner, outer and subconscious confidence, providing you with the most amazing results ever. Lets face it, we are living in a world where appearance and confidence significantly impact social interactions and opportunities and being stunningly dolled up helps you navigate life with greater ease and success. This transformation not only boosts your self-esteem but also enhances how others perceive and interact with you, leading to a more fulfilling and prosperous life.

Okay enough babbling, lets get into it!

Supernaturally Dolled up:

Even and supernaturally smooth skin tone, often achieved with foundation and concealer to cover imperfections. This will happen naturally with time.

Well-defined eyes with enhanced eyelashes and defined youthful soft lips.

Radiant Skin:

Achieve a glowing complexion free from blemishes and imperfections, giving you a flawless look.

Subtle Enhanced Facial Features:

Subtle enhancements to your facial features make you look more refined and attractive.

This also removes wrinkles, blemishes, uneven skin tones of the face and facial sagging.

Youthful Look:

Maintains a youthful appearance with reduced signs of aging like wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes, uneven skin tones of the face and facial sagging..

Increased Confidence:

Feel more confident and assured in your appearance, knowing you look your best. Boosts confidence on a Outer, Inner and Subconscious Level.

Poised Posture:

A confident and elegant posture that enhances the overall presentation.

Commanding Presence:

Develop a presence that draws people to you, making you the center of attention in any setting. This will also happen indirectly due to your beauty, people will literally gravitate towards you.

Attraction and Allure:

Gives you a magnetic aura as it cultivates you with an irresistible charm and allure that naturally attracts others.

Positive Self-Image:

Improve your self-image and foster a greater sense of self-love and acceptance.

Social Success:

Your newfound confidence and allure will open doors to new social opportunities, helping you forge stronger relationships.

Get ready to unlock your true potential and embrace a life filled with confidence, beauty, and success while being supernaturally DOLLED UP!

On another note, for those purchasing the cheapest version of my products just to purposely leave a bad review thanks for the cash and good luck! For those who purchase with good intensions and to show support, please make sure to leave me a good rating so that I can continue to provide great fields here! Thanks buddies!

Another new scam that these guys are doing is purchasing the cheapest version, rated it to 1 star than asking for a refund - smh it doesn't stop. If this continues I will expose these people as they might be some of your favorite field makers (smh) its crazy what people do these days.


For those purchasing my fields just to resell them or "trade" them for other fields, keep in mind that these fields are catered to the individual who purchased the field, since the fields are created for the purchaser, they will not work for others (maybe a little) as the purpose of the field is to focus on the person who purchased the field 100%. Please stop the non-sense as it can even be harmful in certain situations.


The new scam is that they buy my fields and then report it as a fraud to their credit card company to get reimbursed. But guess what , this fields are now designed to not work when fraudulent acts are committed.

(SMH , the things I go thru on a daily basis (Sigh)

Versions Available:

Advanced Morphic Field

This Version works at the same level of our youtube and or Patreon versions as it is an Advanced Morphic field providing quick and powerful results. Its no doubt that many users have been reaping the benefits from the fields provided on youtube and patreon. Now you can own the file and listen when you desire without worrying about internet connection.

Tailor-Made Version

The Tailor-Made Version is an advanced Morphic field that caters to the listener by working exclusively for the listener that purchased the field. Be sure to be the first listener when purchasing this field to ensure the max results. Since it targets that one person, it amplifies the effects and results!

Monogrammed Version

This unique version is also an Advanced Morphic field that I invented a while back that literally allows the user to reap the benefits of the tailor-made version while also having other benefits the include even more faster and powerful results. This field will literally interlace your entire being and core to its effects boosting effects tenfold. With this field, it does not matter who listens to it first, as it will only work on you 100%.

Revolutionary Version

I created this field as one of my most recent advanced morphic field versions. It works by combing the Tailor-Made and Monogrammed Versions while also bringing in astonishingly fast results! I like to revamp and use new techniques as I always stay ahead of the times. I do not believe in just always using the same methods always. This is why my fields considered "Advanced" and not just your normal morphic field. Its Revolutionary since it combines modern and untapped futuristic techniques that are absolutely incredible! Most of my A-listers usually purchase this version or the Ultra-Dynamics Version.

Ultra-Dynamics Version

This is just totally next level! This version combines all the previous versions in one and basically provides the fastest and most powerful results period. My A-listers mostly purchase this version when they need quick results for their lifestyles. I normally charge my clients thousands of dollars for these fields but I want my work to available to the public as a way of me giving back to the blessings that I received. Plus I feel as this will help humanity as a whole once more people become involved with fields in general.

Ultra-Dynamics Version (Rain Version)

This is an Ultra-Dynamics Version but with Pure Rain sounds instead of the original music. Over the years, many clients sometimes prefer to hear rain sounds then the actual song. It contains the same power as the Ultra Dynamics version. Enjoy!

*NEW* Ultra-Dynamics Version (Silent Version)

Due to Popular Demand We Created this Silent Version - Ultra Dynamics Version Option: This is an Ultra-Dynamics Version but completely Silent. Over the years, many clients sometimes prefer a completely silent version. It contains the same power as the Ultra Dynamics version. Enjoy!

*ALL purchases are instant downloads

*All fields / orders deemed "Fraudulent" are programmed to stop working when you try to claim fraud.

*You Will receive an email with Mp3 link to your field.

*Headphones are always optional (Yes you can use headphones with my fields)

*These fields work only for the person who has purchased as it focuses and targets only this one person to provide fast and powerful results!

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No Refund

Hey Buds, Due to many scammers purchasing my products to purposely lower the rating and then fight for a refund, we have canceled refunding for now. We apologize for any inconvenience as 99% of the refunds were from individuals who purchased the lowest priced version of the product to lower the rating and then issue refund. Sorry buddies.

Last updated Aug 6, 2024

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