
The Prize Horse (Morphic Field)

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The Prize Horse (Morphic Field)

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The Prize Horse (Morphic Field)

Hey there buddies I am super excited to bring you this super cool and exciting field here!

Its gonna get wild so saddle up!

So, picture this: You’re at the starting line of the greatest race of your life—no, not a marathon (I mean, who has the energy for that?). This is the race of life itself. Now, you’re feeling pretty good, right? You've stretched, you've hydrated, maybe even had a motivational pep talk in the mirror.

But then, suddenly, a prize horse gallops up next to you. And not just any horse—this one has the mane of a lion, the legs of a cheetah, and the confidence of someone who always picks the fastest line at the grocery store.

Now you’re thinking, “How on earth am I supposed to keep up with THAT?” Well, guess what? You don’t have to keep up with it. You become it. YES! This field is too cool!

That’s right, folks. Allow me to introduce you to THE PRIZE HORSE—the field that doesn’t just let you join the race, it turns you into the unstoppable champion. We’re talking about harnessing the raw power of a thoroughbred and riding it straight to the finish line of your goals. Stamina? You’ll have enough to outrun any challenge. Focus? Like a horse with blinders on, nothing will distract you from your prize. And confidence? Let’s just say, you’ll command respect with the presence of a true leader.

Let me tell you how THE PRIZE HORSE is about to transform you from runner to champion in no time! Let’s go! 🏇💨

Much like a champion racehorse, this Field is designed to infuse you with the essence of a prize-winning horse—strong, graceful, and driven by an unstoppable force to win. Picture yourself as the prize horse, breaking out of the gates, eyes locked on the finish line, with a focus so sharp and an energy so fierce, nothing can stand in your way. THE PRIZE HORSE isn’t just an any normal field—it’s your key to embodying the power of a true champion.

In every race or challenge, the prize horse rises above the rest. It has clarity, endurance, and precision that set it apart from the pack. This field works to awaken those same qualities within you, helping you achieve the mental, emotional, and physical power of a horse in its prime. THE PRIZE HORSE allows you to tap into a source of power that’s as primal and unstoppable as a horse galloping toward victory.


Just like a horse bred for greatness, THE PRIZE HORSE instills in you the mindset and energy of a true winner. This field channels the strength, speed, and grace of a champion horse, aligning your mind and body with a powerful purpose. It’s not just about running faster—it’s about becoming unstoppable, and moving through life with the confidence and strength of a horse that knows it’s destined to win.

The Benefits of THE PRIZE HORSE

When you tap into the energy of THE PRIZE HORSE, you’re taking on the qualities of a champion thoroughbred—poised, powerful, and always in control. The benefits are immense, and the transformation will elevate every aspect of your life.

Champion’s Mindset (Eyes on the Finish Line)

The prize horse enters every race with a singular focus on the finish line. With THE PRIZE HORSE, you’ll develop the same champion’s mindset, where distractions fall away and all that matters is your goal. Your vision becomes clear, and like a horse charging toward the final stretch, you’ll feel an unstoppable drive pushing you forward with laser focus.

Boundless Energy (The Endurance of a Thoroughbred)

A prize horse doesn’t tire; it endures. THE PRIZE HORSE fills you with boundless energy, just like a horse galloping across open fields, its lungs full of life, its muscles brimming with power. You’ll experience a surge of stamina that carries you through any challenge, giving you the endurance to outlast any competition and keep pushing forward long after others have slowed down.

Precision and Power (Strong as a Stallion)

Horses don’t just run—they move with precision and purpose. With THE PRIZE HORSE, you’ll channel that same level of strength and precision into every action you take. You’ll feel a surge of power, like a stallion propelling itself with every stride, but also with a level of focus that allows you to hit your mark every time. You won’t just reach your goals—you’ll do so with the powerful grace of a prize-winning horse.

Unbridled Freedom (Breaking Free)

A prize horse is never truly tamed. Its spirit is unbridled and free, always seeking new heights to conquer. THE PRIZE HORSE unlocks that same sense of freedom within you, breaking you free from any limiting beliefs, fears, or doubts that have held you back. You’ll experience the thrill of running free, knowing that you’re no longer bound by the reins of self-imposed limits.

Unshakeable Confidence (Command the Track)

A prize horse commands respect the moment it steps onto the track. With THE PRIZE HORSE, you’ll develop an unshakeable confidence that commands attention wherever you go. Like a horse standing tall in the winner’s circle, you’ll move through life with the certainty that you belong at the top, ready to claim your victory. This confidence will allow you to stand strong in the face of any challenge.

Energy of a Winner (Always Ahead of the Pack)

Horses are natural-born leaders, and the prize horse is always ahead of the pack. THE PRIZE HORSE instills a winning spirit within you, helping you to rise above your competition and lead with authority. Whether in business, relationships, or personal goals, you’ll find yourself effortlessly pulling ahead, always one step (or gallop) ahead of the crowd.

Grace Under Pressure (Fluid and Unstoppable)

In a race, the prize horse never falters, no matter how intense the competition. THE PRIZE HORSE gives you the ability to remain calm and graceful under pressure, just like a thoroughbred horse that glides across the track with perfect form. You’ll no longer feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges; instead, you’ll handle them with the same fluid movement and unyielding strength that defines a prize horse in the heat of competition.

Supreme Focus (Blocking Out the Noise)

The prize horse doesn’t look to the left or right; it keeps its eyes on the prize. With this audio, you’ll develop supreme focus, learning to block out distractions and keep your mind firmly fixed on your target. Like a racehorse with blinders, you’ll ignore the noise around you and charge directly toward victory, with nothing standing in your way.

Grace Under Pressure – Fluid and Unstoppable

In a race, the prize horse never falters, no matter how intense the competition. THE PRIZE HORSE gives you the ability to remain calm and graceful under pressure, just like a thoroughbred horse that glides across the track with perfect form. You’ll no longer feel overwhelmed by life’s challenges; instead, you’ll handle them with the same fluid movement and unyielding strength that defines a prize horse in the heat of competition.

Command Attention and Respect (Standing Tall as a Leader in your Field)

The prize horse commands the track, its mere presence demanding respect from those who watch. When you embody the spirit of THE PRIZE HORSE, you’ll radiate that same commanding energy, drawing attention wherever you go. You’ll stand tall, confident in your power and position, with an undeniable aura of leadership. People will recognize your strength and gravitate toward your presence, knowing that you are a force to be reckoned with. Whether in your career, relationships, or personal life, you’ll lead with authority, always standing out from the crowd as a beacon of power, grace, and certainty.

Unbreakable Willpower (The Relentless Gallop)

A horse never questions whether it can keep running—it just runs. With The Unstoppable Horse, your willpower becomes unbreakable. Just like a horse that gallops tirelessly across fields, you will develop a relentless drive, charging forward toward your goals without hesitation. No obstacle will be able to stop you. You’ll run through barriers with the speed and force of a wild stallion, leaving doubt and fear in the dust.

Grounded Yet Free (Hooves Firm on the Earth) *Very Important as part of your success

A horse’s hooves are always firmly planted on the ground, even as it runs wild. In life, you too will become grounded, rooted in reality, while maintaining the freedom of an untamed spirit. The Unstoppable Horse helps you stay balanced—centered in who you are, while galloping freely toward your dreams. Like a horse that knows its path, you’ll have both the stability and the freedom to chart your own course, moving with both force and purpose.

The Importance of Becoming the Prize Horse

Why is it essential to embrace the energy of the prize horse? Because in life, too many people are running without direction, tiring before they’ve even hit their stride. But a prize horse knows exactly where it’s going and uses its power and grace to get there. THE PRIZE HORSE helps you align with this same level of purpose and power, allowing you to move through life with the confidence, clarity, and determination of a true champion.

The spirit of the prize horse is within you—unrelenting, powerful, and driven by the certainty of victory. THE PRIZE HORSE is your gateway to unlocking that potential, allowing you to embody the energy of a true champion in every aspect of your life.

It’s time to step into the winner’s circle. The track is ready. The race is yours to win. Are you ready to charge toward the finish line and claim your place as THE PRIZE HORSE?

So, ready to saddle up and take the reins of your life? We both know the answer to that one!

On another note, for those purchasing the cheapest version of my products just to purposely leave a bad review thanks for the cash and good luck! For those who purchase with good intensions and to show support, please make sure to leave me a good rating so that I can continue to provide great fields here! Thanks buddies!

Another new scam that these guys are doing is purchasing the cheapest version, rated it to 1 star than asking for a refund - smh it doesn't stop. If this continues I will expose these people as they might be some of your favorite field makers (smh) its crazy what people do these days.


For those purchasing my fields just to resell them or "trade" them for other fields, keep in mind that these fields are catered to the individual who purchased the field, since the fields are created for the purchaser, they will not work for others (maybe a little) as the purpose of the field is to focus on the person who purchased the field 100%. Please stop the non-sense as it can even be harmful in certain situations.


The new scam is that they buy my fields and then report it as a fraud to their credit card company to get reimbursed. But guess what , this fields are now designed to not work when fraudulent acts are committed.

(SMH , the things I go thru on a daily basis (Sigh)

Versions Available:

Advanced Morphic Field

This Version works at the same level of our youtube and or Patreon versions as it is an Advanced Morphic field providing quick and powerful results. Its no doubt that many users have been reaping the benefits from the fields provided on youtube and patreon. Now you can own the file and listen when you desire without worrying about internet connection.

Tailor-Made Version

The Tailor-Made Version is an advanced Morphic field that caters to the listener by working exclusively for the listener that purchased the field. Be sure to be the first listener when purchasing this field to ensure the max results. Since it targets that one person, it amplifies the effects and results!

Monogrammed Version

This unique version is also an Advanced Morphic field that I invented a while back that literally allows the user to reap the benefits of the tailor-made version while also having other benefits the include even more faster and powerful results. This field will literally interlace your entire being and core to its effects boosting effects tenfold. With this field, it does not matter who listens to it first, as it will only work on you 100%.

Revolutionary Version

I created this field as one of my most recent advanced morphic field versions. It works by combing the Tailor-Made and Monogrammed Versions while also bringing in astonishingly fast results! I like to revamp and use new techniques as I always stay ahead of the times. I do not believe in just always using the same methods always. This is why my fields considered "Advanced" and not just your normal morphic field. Its Revolutionary since it combines modern and untapped futuristic techniques that are absolutely incredible! Most of my A-listers usually purchase this version or the Ultra-Dynamics Version.

Ultra-Dynamics Version

This is just totally next level! This version combines all the previous versions in one and basically provides the fastest and most powerful results period. My A-listers mostly purchase this version when they need quick results for their lifestyles. I normally charge my clients thousands of dollars for these fields but I want my work to available to the public as a way of me giving back to the blessings that I received. Plus I feel as this will help humanity as a whole once more people become involved with fields in general.

Ultra-Dynamics Version (Rain Version)

This is an Ultra-Dynamics Version but with Pure Rain sounds instead of the original music. Over the years, many clients sometimes prefer to hear rain sounds then the actual song. It contains the same power as the Ultra Dynamics version. Enjoy!

*NEW* Ultra-Dynamics Version (Silent Version)

Due to Popular Demand We Created this Silent Version - Ultra Dynamics Version Option: This is an Ultra-Dynamics Version but completely Silent. Over the years, many clients sometimes prefer a completely silent version. It contains the same power as the Ultra Dynamics version. Enjoy!

*ALL purchases are instant downloads

*All fields / orders deemed "Fraudulent" are programmed to stop working when you try to claim fraud.

*You Will receive an email with Mp3 link to your field.

*Headphones are always optional (Yes you can use headphones with my fields)

*These fields work only for the person who has purchased as it focuses and targets only this one person to provide fast and powerful results!

I want this!

No Refund

Hey Buds, Due to many scammers purchasing my products to purposely lower the rating and then fight for a refund, we have canceled refunding for now. We apologize for any inconvenience as 99% of the refunds were from individuals who purchased the lowest priced version of the product to lower the rating and then issue refund. Sorry buddies.

Last updated Sep 24, 2024

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